Off-Road Cooking

Happy Birthday to My Mom!
February 15, 2014, 7:56 pm
Filed under: Cooking

Mom bday artsy avocadoesHappy birthday to my Mo

Happy birthday to my amazing mother! Without her, I would not be where I am today. I certainly would not have learned to cook, that’s for sure! She has taught me to be brave, strong, loving and caring, and has encouraged me to be myself.
We went to my sister Livi and her husband Guillermo’s new house and had a delicious dinner. Lentil loaf (tastes like a veggie burger), great salad, leek/potato/broccoli soup, salsa verde (with avocado added), and of course the birthday cake which Livi and Guillermo bought in Cincinnati.

Crockpot Chili
February 5, 2014, 1:14 pm
Filed under: Cooking

Crockpot Chili

One dish I make that always turns out well no matter what is crockpot chili! My mom gave me this crockpot and I thoroughly enjoy it, marveling at how simple it is to use! Chili is such an easy thing to make. This one is vegan. I put 2 cans of beans, garlic, onion, tomatoes, bell pepper, and my secret mix of olive oil and soy sauce! I use soy sauce because I don’t cook with salt and soy sauce provides a little more liquid to combine with the oil. Someone (a handsome off-road cooker extraordinaire) recently suggested to me that I could add cinnamon to chili, which I have been doing with curry for quite some time. I might have to add cinnamon every time now that it turned out so well! Normally I would add fresh tomatoes, jalapeños/Thai chilies, and some tomato paste, but the snow was falling fast and I didn’t feel it was appropriate to venture out, so I just used what I had! It was scrumptious!

No-bake cookies
February 3, 2014, 10:15 pm
Filed under: Cooking

No-bake cookies

Impromptu no-bake cookies with my friend Jessica totally happened this past Friday. She was pet-sitting for a friend and we made no-bake cookies after cooking dinner at the friend’s house. They were so delicious…simply because we were in the mood for a sweet treat! Jessica (featured in photo) is a very dear friend of mine and we enjoy cooking together. We didn’t really follow the recipe (no surprise there) but they turned out well. I’m proud to call her my friend! Here’s to more adventure with Jessica, foodie and otherwise!

4 pies a-baking!
January 29, 2014, 11:51 am
Filed under: Cooking

4 pies a-baking!

Well actually three are pies, but who’s counting? Persimmon bars (top L), bison savory pie (top R – for sister and her husband, not for me! Haha), delicious cranberry-apple pie covered in yummy brown sugar (bottom R, old recipe from awesome family friends), and black bean salsa vegan savory pie (bottom L, turned out great!).

Sisters baking!
January 29, 2014, 11:47 am
Filed under: Cooking

Sisters baking!

Here I am with my sister at my mom’s house sometime during the Christmas season. We obviously love baking and made 4 pies that day, as you will see…

Pineapple curry
January 29, 2014, 11:46 am
Filed under: Cooking

Pineapple curry

I know it’s been a long time since I have written on this blog. I have decided to go back to school and get my master’s degree in public policy. My mom has taken a job at a local hunger-relief agency that does really awesome work. We sure haven’t stopped cooking though! The above pic is of pineapple curry, a vegan curry recipe I have invented that tastes best with fresh pineapple! More pics to come! Happy cooking!

Pie Therapy in Action!
September 15, 2011, 9:41 am
Filed under: Cooking

Pie Therapy
September 12, 2011, 4:41 pm
Filed under: Cooking
“So, what did you do for Labor Day Weekend?” was bound to be the most-asked question as we headed back to reality on Tuesday morning.  I have to say I had a blast over the holiday weekend at our family reunion, sharing food, fun, sun, thunderstorms, pontoon rides, canoe trips, and campfires with a “small” group of 50 extended family members in northern Indiana!
Temperatures hovered near 100 degrees the first day as only a sea of bobbing heads were visible from the lakeshore.  In contrast, on the last day, we awoke to cold winds and a group desire to become one with the space heater. Somewhere smack in the middle of this thermal roller coaster, though, we had a day that held one of the more memorable adventures of the weekend: our peach pie odyssey.
You may be wondering how peach pie could qualify as an adventure?  Suffice it to say, my siblings and I love pie therapy. We consider it—the anticipation, the gathering of the fruit, the cooking, and then, oh then, the eating of it!– to be an event, in the realm of a journey, not just a destination.
So, this weekend was to be the latest installment in our saga of pie therapy. I knew it when my daughter and I stepped out of the car and into the tiny lake cottage to greet our relatives.  My sisters had already started aligning a shrine of ingredients along the kitchen cabinet…flour, oil, sugar, and just the right tin pans (recycled from some previous pie event, of course).  The anticipation had begun!  Yet this preview was just a teaser; with 50 relatives on hand, we would have to wait until the following day to go any further, when it would be “just us.”
The next day dawned in whispers as we awoke, one by one, waiting for the others to stumble bleary-eyed into the kitchen.  “Want some coffee? We’ll make the pie right after Church.”  For something to rank right up there with coffee and Church, that tells you something. This was serious business.  I wasn’t sure how many minds would be intent on the sermon that day.
Anyhow, once we got back to the cottage after Mass and zipped through the motions of lunch, we knew the ritual could begin.  How many relatives does it take to make a pie crust?  Obviously at least six.  One of us got the flour, another the oil, and someone else measured the sugar, while several others pressed the sweet-salty dough into the tins.
The only thing missing now was the star of the show.  So this is when the real adventure began.  We were going to go pick the peaches– as a group, of course! Even the next generation was primed to participate.  As we headed en masse down the drive, in exodus from the cottage, my tiny great-nieces skipped along eagerly with open bags trailing behind them like kites, trekking across the canal over to the neighbors where the coveted peach tree awaited us.
We quickly arrived at our destination.  Undaunted by the reality that this orchard consisted of a peach tree—that’s singular, as in the one and only–we  descended upon its bountiful branches.  Several dads shook the tree and the ripe, sticky fruit cascaded down.  This sent the little girls scampering to pick up the good fruit from the grass, reminiscent of an Easter egg hunt. At last, determining we had enough for two pies, we tromped our way back to the cottage.
Now the peaches took center stage as the ritual of washing, blanching, peeling, and chopping began.  Meanwhile the crusts were browned, and on the stove, a sweet sauce began to bubble. Once it was all assembled and placed lovingly back in the oven to bake, we had to turn our attention to other pursuits while we waited anxiously for results!
Several hours later, our patience was rewarded.  Our grilled supper was topped off with a delight from nature’s bounty, our delicious peach pie.  And not just an ordinary peach pie, but one prepared by many hands, willingly and lovingly, amid much conversation, laughter, and sharing of other stories.
I realized, perhaps, why we as a family like pie.  Just as we delighted in the pie, we had delighted in each other’s company.  Throughout the planning, the picking, and the preparations, we were together.  Perhaps that is why we find pie therapy so effective.  Funny how we don’t have this feeling when we eat pie alone.  I guess the secret ingredient is family!

Strong possum in Romania… READ IT!
May 17, 2011, 9:34 pm
Filed under: Do-It-Yourself, Travel

This is my sister’s (my mother’s daughter, the former Food Fashionista herself) new blog, all the way from Romania… READ IT! She IS a strong possum! This is beautiful. She is a beautiful soul.

Post-Adventure Cooking
May 8, 2011, 10:12 pm
Filed under: Cooking, Do-It-Yourself

Last-minute dinner after an adventurous hike in the park